Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 9---A letter to my parents.............

Dear Mom & Dad~

How can I thank you for raising me to be who I am today.

A girl who wishes on stars and learned this from my mom who drove us to the end of the rainbow to look for the pots of gold.

I'm the woman who speaks up for others and for herself and isn't afraid to do so.

I was raised to be a productive member of society, of my community and of my country.

I was taught to love my sisters, protect them from bullies like the Freddie's of the world and to rally together because we are a force to be reckoned with!

I was surrounded by love~~~I have the fondest memories of playing in my playhouse in the backyard. Of hearing songs of Broadway on early Sunday mornings. Of Playing Miss America along with the pageant, in my mama's slips.

I always knew I was loved. Even when I wasn't speaking to one of you.........It was before Christmas and it was the year that you guys decided to buy the first artificial tree.

And I was devastated............I don't deal with change well.

And I came home from being out, and as I passed Brittney's room, I smelled it........

Fresh Christmas tree.

And in my room, on my tall dresser, my amazing parents had gone to the Christmas Tree Lot. And gathered branches that had fallen off of trees. Put them in a vase and decorated my little tree.

And I feel swelled with joy and love.

Because that was for me. My mom and dad did that for me.

So thank you for teaching me how to make memories. How to sing at the top of my lungs in the car. And dance in the grocery store aisles. And say bad words. And rub our feet together.

And Love.

Thank you most of all for that.

And for giving me three amazing women to call my sisters.

I love you,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Mindy, what tribute to your beautiful mother. ....Marcia