Wednesday, May 4, 2011

So i'm back.............

"Where have you been all my life" ask patiently????

I don't know----time has just flown by and so much has happened since I was here last.

My last post was my sister was moving to Oklahoma and was engaged. Now she lives here, is married and expecting my nephew in September.

One of my last posts was about Lexi starting 2nd grade..........and she's almost done with 2nd grade and proceeded to tell me on the plane ride to Disneyland (her 8th birthday celebration) about the Boston Tea Party and no taxation without representation and the red coats. Yes, she's a geneous. Last weekend, she informed me of the in's and out's of the circulatory, respatory and digestive systems. I LOVE ASU Prepatory Acadamy (yes ASU like Arizona State University) she's learning so so much!

One of my last posts was of me in Disneyland with a bunch of teenagers.........Just recently, I returned to Disneyland with a bunch of people named Martinez and felt that we looked like the show Sister Wives.

One of my last posts we were celebrating the end of summer day camp!!! And now we are taking registrations for Summer Day Camp 2011 as it begins June 6!

I promise to be better and updating my blog if you promise to be better about commenting on it :)

Have an awesome amazing day!



Teachinfourth said...

I. thought. you. were. dead.

Glad you're not. Also, I'm glad you're back...

Mrs.Oklahoma said...

Holy smokes things have changed!! LOL Glad your back to blogging!!