Sunday, October 4, 2009



Something is going on with me.

And the unsleep time of the 4am hour.

Every single day.

For the past 8 days.

I’ve been up. 


Between 4-5am.

doesn’t matter what time i went to sleep

I am wide awake during this hour

I’m usually able to go back to sleep later but not right away.

So good morning everyone.  It’s 4:58 am

I’ve been up for almost an hour----

Going to try to sleep again.



Corine Moore said...

Hi! I was just on Jason's blog, and decided to check out a new blog... and there you were with a comment, so here I am! :D Nice to meet you in a round about way!

BTY: Your blog is very cute.

Teachinfourth said...

Hopefully you were able to get back to sleep, if not, welcome to the day! I hope it's a good one.