Sunday, August 2, 2009

I’m honored


I received a phone call on Friday that said that I was selected as one of the 40 Hispanic Business Leaders Under 40 by the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. 

I was selected on the following criteria:

  • Successfully conducts business, or manages resources in a way that demonstrates characteristics and achievements worthy of recognition
  • Contributes to society in ways that are an inspiration to others
  • Uses resources and creativity to enrich our community
  • Demonstrates a commitment to community by contributing as a community servant
  • Conducts business and personal relationships with the highest integrity
  • And I am honored.  Truly, deeply honored.  There is a luncheon in September at the Arizona Biltmore that I’ll attend and I am sure I’ll have my family there and my friends there and maybe even some of my kids there.  Because this is an amazing accomplishment.

    And I am truly honored!

    1 comment:

    Teachinfourth said...

    Congrats, Mindy...that IS quite the accomplishment. You have every reason to be proud of yourself; however, with someone like yourself who goes the extra mile, is is really a surprise?