Monday, August 3, 2009

Being Needed vs Being Used


Do you know the difference?

I actually feel guilty writing this post because people say to me all the time that I am so selfless for doing what I do everyday for the kids that I serve.

But sometimes enough is enough.

And I love love love feeling needed.  I love that kids walk in the door to my office and I am the first person in many cases that they turn to when they need help with school or they are having financial troubles at home or they’ve made a mistake and they need guidance.

And I always drop everything to help because that’s what I do and that’s what I am good at.

But I am starting to see a pattern….a pattern of only seeing certain people, both teens and adults, when they need something.  Not when they want to share their good news with me or we need help emptying the building they’ve once called home.  We don’t see a family for months but when it comes time for back to school shopping, they are the ones blowing up my phone!

And I’m angry.  I literally feel angry that I go above and beyond for some of these people and they turn around and don’t tell me the whole story or they lie to me. 

Even as I type this, I receive an email from one of my former members who is now in college asking me to help him find out what’s going on with his schedule in school.  Same guy that spoke to me disrespectfully not too long ago and i asked him to leave my office.  Yup, that’s him.

I am a little tired……a lot tired.  Tired of the nonsense and being used.

Yet you and I both know that if my phone rang now, and one of my kids, staff or families needed me, I would be out the door.

So maybe I’m the one with the problem.

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

I have felt this way before as well...that others see you as their 'doer.' It's a dark place to be, I will admit and at times it's hard to be able to 'look beyond' the moment and see into the distant (or not so distant) future.

Think of how many times you've complimented someone when they're not around or said nice things about them...I'll bet that very same thing happens to you, too.