Sunday, March 15, 2009

at least it's not a slinky....

A few years ago, The Arizona Republic (the biggest paper in the Phoenix area) wanted to do a story on nostalgic toys and the fact that kids still play with them.

So the reporter and photographer came to the Club to talk to the kids about toys such as play doh, lincoln logs and the slinky.

I stayed in the gamesroom with the kids while they talked to the reporter and one of my kids got the Slinky tangled so he gave it to me to fix. So I untangled it and showed them it was working again.

Two days later, the story was in the paper.

And somehow I became really involved in the story.

Like my picture, of me "playing" with the Slinky became the only picture.
And it was a giant picture of me playing with the Slinky.


So many phone calls from long lost friends, emails from peers about my love affair with the Slinky....

So fast forward to last Thursday night. I get a phone call from our marketing director (also a Mindy but spelled Mindee) and she tells me that Channel 10 is on the way to speak to me regarding something or other.

Well I am a mess. I had just worked almost 10 hours. I didn't have any make up left on my face. It was my first day back from being on vacation so I was SOOO tired, all I could think of was my bed and my hair was up in a ponytail/bun mess.
And they didn't get their until after 8pm so I looked really really tired!

And then of course it ran on the 9pm AND 10 pm news.
And what's a blog without the pics? Thanks Liz :)

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

It's fun for a girl and a boy...