Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lunch Boxes and Fresh Crayons

Today I did some shopping for school supplies at Target for 50 (yes 50!) of my kids.

A secret about me...........I love school supplies.

I love the stacks of notebooks and the choices of pens and oh my! The crayons! Glue with glitter and glue in sticks and glue that is just glue.

And the lunch boxes!

I wander through the aisles, taking my time looking at everything, touching everything.

When I was little, we would go to Smitty's. Do you remember Smitty's????

We would buy clothes and fresh crayons and lunch boxes at Smitty's and we would pick out a pencil box and I just love everything about starting school.........

So today, I had to take a picture with my phone of the lunch boxes (that by the way, you have to buy a seperate thermos for your lunch box now a-days!)

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