Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Today was a weird day

Kinda like a good weird, sentimental weird, busy weird, memorable weird.

Not a regular happy day.

My day started early. Super early for me. I had a meeting in Apache Junction. Along time ago I used to live in AJ. With a beautiful view of the superstition mountains. In a home I built with my husband.

I drove by that house today.

I felt a little sad for the girl that used to live there. The girl that picked that house for its three bedrooms to fill with babies.

The girl that watched her husband and her dad plant the little tree in the front yard. Now, many years later, the tree is huge.

The girl who's husband said "I don't want to do this anymore" and walked out the garage door.

The girl who's attorney told her she had 30 days to find a roommate or she had to sell her house.

The girl who against many opinions, let the wild secretary at her Club move in.

I'm so different now. I'm no longer that girl.

I don't live doubting myself anymore.

I don't live dreaming of a house full of babies.

I don't replay that scene of the husband leaving over and over again.

I thank God everyday that I didn't listen to all those opinions of people who are no longer in my life because I have the best best friend who loves me.

I'm no longer that girl.

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