Tuesday, February 12, 2013

So why is it.....

That no matter how wonderful of a day I've had.

No matter how many compliments I receive about my Club, my kids, my eyes or just me....

Doesn't matter how many people I love or take care of or be good too.

No matter how much money I spend.

Or how many times I laugh. Hard. During the day and night .

That sometimes, often, right now, all I want to do is cry.

Because no matter how amazing my day is.....I'm still alone at night. With my memories of my day.


1 comment:

Miss B said...

At the end of the day, we are all all alone... Just because I am married.. My husband snoring next to me still makes me alone... Alone with my thoughts etc... My baby asleep next to me, I'm still alone... Being married or having a child doesn't make you not alone.. I think I often had that misconception when I was single..