Thursday, November 8, 2012


Earlier today, one of my now grown Club Kids asked me a question.

"do you believe in people"

And I answered without hesitation that its my biggest weakness. It's my Achilles tendon.

I believed the kid in 6th grade who told me that died. He'd been hit by a trolley. I remember coming in the door to tell my mom the news and she laughed and explained it was a joke.

I am gullible.

So when someone tells me they need money at the gas station, I believe them. When your husband promises to love you til the end of time, I believed. When the kid says he's going to make smarter choices, I always hope.

And I can't imagine MINDY being MINDY without that belief in people. The belief that people are genuinely good.

Even if it breaks my heart over and over......

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