Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Things I liked today.....yeah, it was hard to do....

Today was a WHOA day.

Like when you want to pull people's hair day.

So I needed something to take my mind off of put today behind me.

Some people drink.....I don't. I blog. And look at other blogs.

SO here's one I'm totally digging..........

Lance Gross is a philosophical man. I love a thinking man. Here are some thoughts I love that I sometimes need to remind myself of:

‘No’ is the most powerful word in the human language. When you can comfortably say, “No” to requests for your time, energy, ideas, and money, you gain the respect of others because you respect yourself and have good boundaries.

I don’t mind waiting for the right love because for love, it’s worth the wait. ~Chloe Mitchell

I am so so so proud of Mona Dixon
(Boys & Girls Clubs of America National Youth of the Year)

She was named in Essence Magazine as one of the 28 most influential Black Women. I can't wait to show my kids that someone, just like them can become whatever they dream to be.

Things used to be. Now they're not.

Anything but us is who we are. Disguising ourselves as secret lovers, we've

become public enemies. We walk away like strangers in the street. Gone for

eternity, we erase one another. No phone calls. No sweet text messages.

We are mere specs of particles, floating, unknown to our partners' existence.

So far from where we came. With so much of everything, how do we leave

with nothing? Lack of visual empathy equates to the meaning of L.O.V.E.

Hatred and attitude tear us entirely. We meet at opposite poles and no

longer can we bond like love birds to a song or flowers to a Daisy. The air

smells of rotten love and burned hearts. We have trashed our over cooked

love that now accompanies the bin of deceit. Don't turn around. Continue

walking away. Disappear into that darkness that rests upon your gritty

shoulders. Let that dark cloud follow you wherever you go. So long ex-lover.

Farewell.~Chloe Mitchell


This movie looks SO SO SO SO GOOD!!! Can't wait to see it!

Tomorrow better be BETTER than today!!!! LOL goodnite!

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