Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July, oh July……..where have you gone?

Let me fill you in through some pictures…………….

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Above, Robbie on July 4th.

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Every year, they sit on top of the car to watch fireworks……every year it lasts all of about 5 minutes up there! LOL.

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I love having Jay, Andy and Lexi at the Club……….on field trips, etc.  Makes me happy :)

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Matt and I usually take a silly pic together on a field trip!

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Rebeccas big birthday celebration!  Spent the weekend at a resort at a casino………….and as you’ll see, I was very lucky.  :)  See above :) july 2010 060

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We played bingo………..a little tooo slow for me :/july 2010 082

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We have this new solar panel in front of the building…………..gonna explain it to them again.  whew.july 2010 095

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Brittney’s shower……..some of the nurses from her hospital gave her a little shower.  It was super sweet! 

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Last day of summer…..amazing fun………thousands of slices of watermelon and sno cones later, the summer program ended. 

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

It seems that you've had QUITE the summer of fun! Glad to hear that you're still alive and doing well.