Saturday, June 19, 2010

Where Have I Been???

I don't know............time is going by SOOO fast, sometimes I can't keep up!

Let' s see.........things that have happened in my life since my last posting.....

*My little sister, Brittney, got engaged and is getting married in October and (OMG) is moving to OKLAHOMA!!! That part made me very very angry at first. Then that turned into sad. Now I'm in acceptance.

She is happy.........she smiles so much more. So that makes me happy!!!

I ordered my own business cards via vistaprint (as we didn't have additional money to purchase business cards as an organization) and I LOVE them! BUT, you get all sorts of free things so I designed this shirt for my pops

They have all sorts of fun fun stuff and totally cheap!

A bunch of my ninos graduated from High School............And I was sooo proud! and I have a TON of pictures but I gotta find my cord to that camera LOL

Summer Day Camp has started! Holy Smokes I've never seen so many kids in that building and I LOVE it!!! We are seeing 250-278 kids a day (teens too!!!) it's amazing and makes me happy but very very tired!!!

That's all for now!!!!! Have a fabulous day!!!


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