Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Having a bad day…..

Ever have one of those days that are just bad?

Yeah, me too……….today.

I was running late.

I have all of these deadlines for Monday but I have the shower this weekend so I’ll be busy. 

I have that feeling where people are just pulling me in different directions----I can’t get anything done because I have all of these meetings and I’m just soooo frustrated.

And kids…..holy smokes what is going on with the kids?  They were crazy today---just being mean to each other.

And mean to me.

So I needed something positive…………..Because I feel very angry right now.  And I look up in my room and I have this….


And what I do is get up every single morning and go to work and attempt to do everything I can as if I could not fail.

And I’m feeling sorry for myself because my kids are failing.  And I don’t know how to transition them off and out of my heart. 

And I’m trying to have hope----hope that I didn’t fail them.

I know, I’m feeling sorry for myself.  I’m angry.  I’m grumpy.

Next to that sign in my room is this sign:

700164And I’m going to hold on to that hope…………….

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