more later....
Saturday, February 28, 2009
more later....
squooooooshed hair....
Now my directions from the place were:
- No food or drink 2 hours before---well I am so not a breakfast person but as soon as someone tells me I cannot have something, then I was like this starving girl.
- "are you allergic to iodine?" Um, no...i don't think so.
- "You have to be here 30 minutes before your appointment" then I think omg they are going to make me drinks something or do something yucky!
What it really was......
Take off your necklace and earrings.
Lay down and we're going to move you in and out of this thing for 2 minutes and then you are done!
I should have asked why I could not eat or drink anything!?!?!
As I laid on that very comfortable contraption, all I could think about was that I was squishing my hair.....but my hair looked great. I tried a new hairspray yesterday and it was fabulous....Left the house at 10:30 am. Returned home at 10:45 pm and my hair still looked great!
Friday, February 27, 2009
sunshine on my shoulder.....
So Emma and I spent a good hour outside in the sunshine...........
It made for a good day.........If only for an hour to get away and be quiet and just be!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
"There's no time...." Jessie Spano
In my family, when someone says something like "I don't have time" or "I'm overwhelmed", the rest of us begin to quote the infamous Jessie Spano.
In a house full of girls, Saved by the Bell had a special place in our hearts and in our living room.
The above video, of Jessie freaking out (and trying to swallow "caffeeine pills" (or so we think!)
There is not enough time right now, in my day.....Time is a crazy thing because I can't buy more or earn more or save is what it is.
Maybe I need an assistant? :)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Emma Baffert
I remember a feisty old lady named Emma.........she was my grandmothers close and dear friend and she passed a long time ago........
Fast forward to present sisters have been talking talking talking about getting another dog and naming her Emma Baffert.
Instead, my parents got the puppy and named her Emma Baffert.
And she's adorable!
I am not a dog person. I wouldn't even consider myself an animal person. But I adore this little bundle of joy.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The baby is engaged....
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Got the worm......
~Today I learned the beauty of waking up early.
It was difficult
I was cranky.
But..............I got SO MUCH DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Went and did my presentation where a lady THANKED ME for working with kids and being so passionate about what I do for the families in Chandler. Made me smile :)
- Went to the store.
- Went and got my nails done (all the above before 10am!)
- Went to Lunch with Becca.
- Went to Williams to do some work (my laptop was at the Club)
- Went to Dunkin Donuts to buy donuts for becca for helping with my budget, Crystal & Liz for doing anything I ask (and I ask crazy things!) and for me so i was loaded up on sugar!
- Came home and took a 28 min nap which woke me kinda cranky but I got over it!
- Went back to the Club.
- Spoke to numerous parents and facilitated 3 basketball games.
- Finally returned home.
So looks to me like you can really get a lot done if you get up early.
But I am exhausted!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Good Morning
5 hours and 20 minutes of sleep.
I have a presentation to do this morning at 7:15 am.
And I have a looooonnng games end at 9pm tonight.
Thank goodness my parents live 1 mile from the Club because I will be retreating at some point for a nap.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I flipped my hair and procrastinated....yup, that sums in up.
I am never ever up at 6:12 am. Even on those rare days I need to be up at 6:12am, I struggle.
Yet this morning, I am wide awake....and my mind is all over the place.
- My 2009-2010 budget is due tomorrow and I am struggling over the numbers because we'll be in a new facility so a lot is up in the air. And I am really good at putting off the things I don't want to do.
- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I saw M.C. yesterday. (M.C.=my crush) And I think, you can only be soooo flirty for so long. I caught myself flipping my hair while talking to him. Nice. All of a sudden I'm a junior high girl flipping and tossing my hair!!! (Remember in Jr high, that was like a mating call)
- I am so behind on both of my classes this semester (see #1 above)
I need to do something fun........I feel like I am in too much of a routine and basketball season has a few more weeks (the two correlate because I'm working way too many hours a day...yesterday was 11am meeting up to 9:15 because that's when basketball ended.)
So I am working on the budget (and typing this...hello, didn't you read #1).
And I have thought about that handsome fella of a crush of mine. :)
And I am hoping that once I get some of the revenue part of this monster done, I can go back to least for a little bit.
Good morning :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Embrace Your Grace
Now I'm mad........
Through seperations and divorces and break ups, we were friends.
And then I'm suppose to read your mind and know what you are thinking and because I didn't, you go and disappear on me?
I'm going to give you some time to get over yourself and fix this. You know where to find me since now, i can't find YOU!
AND if you don't, fine..............I know where you stand.
(PS---if none of this makes sense to you, it's probably not directed to you. The person it's directed to will know what this means. It will be crystal clear!)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Summering in Durango
I loved this house---It was enormous (to the child I was) we had lots of bedrooms and very little tv stations. (Blues Brothers was ALWAYS on when we were there. Weird)
Monday, February 16, 2009
Planning or Playing?
And he's pretty funny.........and he has some interesting things to say, from the man's perspective.
Like.....Men are either planning or playing. They are either or when they are with a woman. So which is it?
I love this story about the 90 day rule and how people at Ford Motor Company hire people and give them 90 days to see if they get along with others and if they share and if they communicate and after 90 days, they are given benefits. To get their eyes checked and teeth fixed (his words not mine) and that women should have the 90 day rule because it's worked for Ford for all of these years, why not women?
Seems interesting, the concept of a man telling women what a man is thinking. Yet didn't it work for "He's just not that into you"...........that book made millions and is now a movie.
So women are listening to men.......
Would it work the other way around?
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Can I Get A.......(What What).....
Here's a quote from Jay Z.....
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valen-tiny day....
- You received valentines from everyone in your class. Bonus if you actually liked someone in your class, they had to give you a valentine so hey, you're practically engaged!
- There was always a classroom party.
- There was always a cute outfit to wear.
My mom has never missed a Valentines day for her girls............even tonight she said to me to stop by the house tomorrow because she has a little gift for us!
To me, valentines day is the day you say I Love You to all the people you love----(I'm a hallmark crazy girl) so all of my sisters, my friends, my staff, my parents all receive cards and notes and goodies..............To keep you updated........
Pictures of today's events are there (and new pictures of the Club construction)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Being worried/concerned......
Let's examine.
So I moved onto the ASU Poly campus into student housing. Now I have a house---a big house, 1900 sq feet, four bedrooms, 2 bath. I love this little house. It's convienent. and for many years, my clubhouse was here so that's really convienent. (not to mention that I do STILL go to school and of course, The Martinez Family is less than 2 miles away in queen creek)
Lastly, my Clubhouse----I have such love for the little williams campus branch. Being able to open it and create it, what I was an amazing experience.
Well............ASU is going through a whole bunch right now so where does that leave me? What if they get rid of student housing? What if they get rid of my program and the scariest one of all becuase it would happen the soonest...........what if they close the Williams Campus Branch Boys & Girls Club??? There's been a lot of talk of it in the past and if it's going to happen, it will begin to do so in the next 3 weeks.
having good friends...........
I've been fortunate enough to spend some time talking to my old friend, dan recently.
(our friendship is old, not Dan.......he's my age)
Anyway, it's a good thing.............I love that we have such fond memories and I love that we can chat and catch up and be totally honest.
It's a good thing............I like it :)
Sometime this week, I'm going to post my picture of Dan and I at the Christmas dance in 1991. yes, ladies and gentlemen, we did dance back in those days.........and I had huge hair.
Monday, February 9, 2009
so if you come here........
and for goodness sake, leave me a message, a comment.....send me an email.
Tell me that YES, YOU AGREE!
OMG I can't believe you said that!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Being the exception........
Here are some of my favorites............
- Don't give him the chance to reject you again.
- Don't be flattered that he misses you. He should miss you. You're deeply missable. However, he's still the same person who just broke up with you. Remember, the only reason he can miss you is because he's choosing, every day, not to be with you.
- He doesn't need to be reminded that you're great.
- There's a guy out there who's going to be really happy that you didn't get back together with your crappy ex-boyfriend.
- I don't want to be the rule, I want to be the exception........
- And I don't want to loose hope :)
Loved the movie. Loved the book more. Loved the quotes above.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Just some crazy thoughts in my head.....
~People should be excited that we are getting a new building and not being cry babies about the parking situation.
~I don't like it when my sister disables her comment icon on her blog.
~I took a road trip today to another Club that is on the Gila River Indian Reservation and it took me an hour and 13 minutes to get there..........and I didn't mind! I had a new CD and it was good thinking time. Gotta love a good road trip :)
~When I drink Iced Tea, I need LITERALLY 8 or so lemons.
~I filed my taxes tonight! WOOHOO!!!
~I am going to DISNEYLAND (OMG!) in March!
~Drew Barrymore..........gotta love her and the characters she plays! Can't wait to see "He's just not that into you!"
~I don't like IKEA..............I don't like that there is only one entrance and one exit and it's so big, you can't get out and you need a map (I know, I know.....from the girl who LOVES to shop!)
~Tomorrow, I have LOTS and LOTS of meetings............bleh.
~I received some great great compliments, from a parent at the club. Two, from one of my staff who told me I looked pretty today and three, from one of my dear, old friends about the type of mama I'll be someday.
~Take time today to compliment somebody!
~I have a ton of homework to do this weekend!
~I hope it rains this weekend! It was 80 today and too warm for Feb!
~I have to go to's almost 2am! I need to make it a point to go to sleep earlier each nite.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The song remembers when...
almost like a time machine?
Happens to me all the time..........
They say (who is they?) that memories are triggered and remembered by scents and sounds.....
So here is one that make me feel 16 again.......
Literally feel it, inside my heart, those butterflies in my stomache, the giddiness of being young and so in love with the boy who could do no wrong...........
Many of you know (or don't) that I was married for a hot my fabulous beautiful wedding so many years ago (11 to be exact), one of my favorite parts was when this song played and it was for me and my sisters......coming from a family of all girls, of my amazing sisterhood of Elias', it is only fitting. This song makes me so happy every single time I hear it!
So the dance floor flooded with SISTERS---from my great aunt to my mama and her sister but most importantly, in my circle of dancing, there were the Elias girls dancing away.........
And the irony of it all now (as I am a grown up and I experience irony) is that this amazing group that sings this song is my teen directors mama and aunties..............
Whenever I hear this song, I think of this little baby that I adored as we are 13 years apart in age.......she would look up at me with these giant blue eyes and chubby cheeks and my heart would melt. I was so amazed with this little girl and I loved her so much! (Hello, I still do but stay with me.....) I rememeber telling my mom that when Bethany graduated from high school, I wanted to play her this song.....(Now you have to remember this was 20 years ago and I had REALLY big hair and I was 15 and life revolved around music!)
Again, with the I drove to her college graduation party----what happened to be on the radio and made me cry my eyes out and think of that precious baby girl? Yup, you guessed it............
That's all for my trip down memory lane...............this was way fun for me so we'll do it again........maybe next time I'll actually scan some pics so you can see (or remember!) how big my hair actually was!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Reasons my day was yucky....
- I woke up this morning with a migraine.
- My first work email was from the janitorial staff that a window was broken.
- Come to find out later that the window was broken because someone threw a piece of parking lot at it.
- I know someone is taking things off of my desk. My annual report was there on Friday and today it was GONE.
- I was shopping for Club supplies today and of course, my club credit card was not in my purse.
- I still have a headache.
- My dad does one of those "hi surprise" visits to the club which for whatever reason, makes my staff nervous.........probably because he walks around and looks around.
- I forgot my camera at home today and seriously, my club looks totally different. Made me sad.
(not exact picture............why? See below)
Lots of good, no great things happened today like.........
- Despite people messing with me, I got my annual report done.
- I didn't have to cook dinner and that was great (and it was delish)
- Excedrin Migraine was on sale today!
- A TON of construction was done today, in one day.
- my headache is finally going away.
- I won a picture I've been eyeing in an auction for Nie.