I want you to go here http://teachinfourth.blogspot.com/2009/11/darkness-and-light.html
and you will know EXACTLY literally exactly how I have been feeling these past few days.
Except when I exited my building today.....I took a breath, closed my eyes and breathed in the Chandler air. And HOLY SMOKES! I am exhausted.........
But it's going to be worth it in the end.
My quote today....."The bigger the investment, the bigger the return."
I'm invested.
And I'll wait for the return.
This is interesting... I just got done posting on Jason's blog... about this same thing (of course :) - perhaps the comments there will be of use to you. :D
I like the way you recognize that for all that is NOT accomplished in you life... there is something that IS (your bigger investment!).
I have to remind myself of that regularly... as the work is NEVER, EVER, CAUGHT UP. I have to remind myself (and I do) that it's OK! :D
We'll have a giant drink when this is all over!
It's getting better...hope it is for you, too.
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