Monday, August 31, 2009

My apologies………


If I haven’t returned your calls.

Or emails.

or knocks at the door.

That’s not who I USUALLY am.

But right not, I am not usual. 

I don’t know what I am.

but I am at a loss for words.

Yesterday was one of THE WORST days of my life. 

And I’ve had some bad days-----but only enough to count on one hand.

As of yesterday, we went to two hand counting.

I just need time. 

So please give that to me.


Teachinfourth said...

It's okay, Mind...been there, and done that before, too.

Hope to have you back soon. Hope all is 'more better' as well.

Mrs.Oklahoma said...

well when you don't respond that becomes worrisome... At least let us know you are ok...