Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My thoughts on blogging….

I think it was 2 years ago when I read my first blog. I know I've talked about this before....I was googling a job applicant who had applied for a position at my Club and the name came up on a blog.

I remember thinking...."Who would write their diary, their private thoughts and show it to the world?"

And I read and read and read this girls blog about how she met her husband at the Temple, etc.

And I know nothing about the Temple so I kept reading...and then I clicked on who she was following and then on who they were following and so on and so on....

So somehow through all of that, I found Nie Nie. And loved reading about someone happy, who loved their kids and their husband and their home and their life.

And from there, found CJane who longed for a baby but was spending her life with the right man (the second time around so there was hope for me!) and then, the pregnancy and of course, the Chief.

And from there, I found Teachinfourth and loved reading about his kids, his love of the desert, his photography and randomness (I love randomness!)

And through all of this, you really feel like you know people, you are happy when something happens to them like the birth of the Chief.   And you cry when something horrible happens to them like the crash. 

So through all of that, I love to blog.

And yet last night, I watched hundreds of people feel hurt, betrayed, angry, sad, defensive and emotional because they had all been scammed by a blog.

A blog which a women asked the world to pray for her sick baby.  A baby she was carrying and was going to die.  And people sent gifts.  They created blogs and pages of dedication.  They stayed up all night while this women was in labor, praying for this baby to live.

And in the end, it was a lie. 

There was no baby.  She was never pregnant.  The baby everyone prayed for named April Rose did not exist. And people felt betrayed.

And those who had lost their babies to illness mourned their loss again. 

In minutes, her blog, twitter and facebook account were gone.  And I felt so sad for those who had trusted.

And I thought about how I trust---how I trust the things that people say on their blog. 

And people trust me.  And when I talk about my kids and my life and my dream of a porch swing, they trust that I am not someone else.  I am real.

And how sad that someone can take something as simple as honesty and trust and turn it into something ugly. 

I like that Blogging has introduced me to new places (I am going to visit Utah, you wait!) introduced me to new people and be able to talk about me :)  So thank you for that!



Teachinfourth said...


Just, thanks.

island girl said...

And how sad that someone can take something as simple as honesty and trust and turn it into something ugly....This line struck such a cord with me. I've learned first hand recently just how ugly it can get. Those two things should never be taken for granted. I really enjoyed your post and love your page set up!