Thursday, May 7, 2009

So, what have you been up to Min?

Well, I'll tell you.............

We had a crazy amount of sickness in Chandler,AZ in the past two weeks. As I type this, my new Front Desk Manager (LIZ!!!) just messaged me that she has a fever of 103! My admin assistant (KEVIN!!) has been out sick all week with Pnemonia and had to get TWO shots!

We had TWO schools in Chandler CLOSE for days because of the H1N1 flu. We had to tel the kids that attend these schools that they could not come to the Club until the school reopened.

We've disinfected every possible thing that kids touch---door knobs, mice, water fountains, keyboards, pencils, much stuff!

And yet, here I am..........sick. :(

AND my phone charger broke yesterday and now my phone is dead :(

AND so that makes me feel like a prisoner! How ridiculous does that sound?

I am watching Dirty Dancing for goodness sake!

Tired of twitter and facebook and all my favorite blogs ( was taking FOREVER to update.......

I've discovered that when I am ill, I am impatient as well.

So entertain me, please :)

P.S.-----want to see the new building? Go here:

1 comment:

Teachinfourth said...

Yeah, that Teachinfourth guy sure is a jerk-face!

Hope you're feeling better soon, Mindy.