Friday, April 10, 2009

so it's been awhile.........

Where oh where have I been, you ask???

Let's see............

  • I went to a Suns Game last week.

  • I went to a funeral of a father of a dear friend.

  • I went to the Cheesecake factory for lunch.

  • I went to rescue the martinez family from a failed transmission.

  • I finally checked my mail and had a much anticipated package of dry ingredients and this weekend, I'll put on a festive apron and bake and bake and bake (pics to come!)

  • I went to see Singing in the Rain with Becca and three youth of the year candidates.

  • Monday I attended meetings.........and dealt with the wind.

  • I played a lot of Rock Band with my teens as my teen director is on vacation.

  • I gave a tour of the Club that has four new board members FOUR coming onto my board. Very exciting indeed!
  • I went to rescue my sisters from a big bad (well not big, 3 inch!) lizard.

  • I watched Better off Ted and laughed out loud!

  • I celebrated Lexi's 6th birthday with her by decorating her dining room with balloons and princess signs so she woke up to a happy day and then spent TONS of money on tokens at chuck e cheese because I like to win's so weird.

  • I took a tour today of the new facility, seeing it through the teens eyes as I had 22 of them and they were so interested and silly at the same time.

So yes, I've been a bit busy, not all fun but some fun and I hope to get it back together in the next few hours or perhaps days.

But you know me.............I always come back to tell you a nutzo story. :)


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