How is it that my dreams are SO visual, SO detailed, I can feel textures and see colors and remember what I was wearing are remember smells and they are so REAL that I have to question myself in the morning?

How is it that my mind is crazy enough to remember whos blog I read right before I went to sleep so that person (the blogger) became a police officer questioning me through a bedroom window, on a ladder in my dream? How odd is that---someone I've never met and I knew right away who he was by the sond of his voice---oh yeah, never heard his voice before. Crazy.
How is it that there are 38 infomercials on at 7:49 am? Is there something about Saturday mornings that screams home shopping? What happened to Saturday morning Cartoons?
How is it that Justin Timberlake can collaborate with anyone and it sounds good?

How is it that my mom again, so tech savvy, that she begins on Twitter and is following Samantha Ronson and Kevin Rose (who is the founder of my mom doesn't know what that is!?!?) and Kim Kardashian? This is hysterical.......she is hysterical!
Feels skeptical about a program that launched at a middle school in town that is "Gloves not Guns"---taking fighting from the streets and into the ring? Hmmmm....
Is wondering why Eminem has become the new Weird Al.
Wants to see 17 again and state of play. Perhaps movies tonight?

I'm up. I'm awake. I've now blogged and Saved by the Bell isn't on for another hour so i guess I'll go begin my day.

have a fabulous fantastic Saturday...................Pics of the ASU event later :)
1 comment:
I'll bet his voice was sexy.
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