Monday, March 2, 2009

Be Great....

Be Smart.

Be Successful. Incredible. Amazing.

Be Inspired. Be an Inspiration. Be More.

Be a Leader, A Difference Maker.

Be a Star. Be a Good Person. Be Kind.

Be Generous. Be the Change.

Be Happy. Believe. Belong.


My kids are amazing. They inspire me daily. They make me believe that I can change lives, their lives. They allow me to believe in myself and in the youth that I serve. They teach me to be generous with my time and in return, I am happy.

Tonight, I was able to witness greatness. My kids (as I loudly and proudly call them) made me so proud tonight. I tell anyone who would listen that I have the best kids. They amaze me with their talent and their courage and most importantly, their individualism.

Kevin is my 2009 Youth of the Year. My kids in COBRA GREEN are my dancers and my dressed up kids are my kids we invited to the fancy event.

They inspire me to be great.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

The YOY dinner last night reminded me why we do what we do. The six year old kid who you don't seem to get through to and gives you the hardest time could be the next Kevin, or Kolby, or Precious, Melissa, Marysa, Emmett, Willie, Harmony, or Megan.

DAINOW did a great job last night too. No wonder why you're one proud mama!