Friday, February 6, 2009

Just some crazy thoughts in my head.....

Kind of like a to do list but not really.

~People should be excited that we are getting a new building and not being cry babies about the parking situation.

~I don't like it when my sister disables her comment icon on her blog.

~I took a road trip today to another Club that is on the Gila River Indian Reservation and it took me an hour and 13 minutes to get there..........and I didn't mind! I had a new CD and it was good thinking time. Gotta love a good road trip :)

~When I drink Iced Tea, I need LITERALLY 8 or so lemons.

~I filed my taxes tonight! WOOHOO!!!

~I am going to DISNEYLAND (OMG!) in March!

~Drew Barrymore..........gotta love her and the characters she plays! Can't wait to see "He's just not that into you!"

~I don't like IKEA..............I don't like that there is only one entrance and one exit and it's so big, you can't get out and you need a map (I know, I know.....from the girl who LOVES to shop!)

~Tomorrow, I have LOTS and LOTS of meetings............bleh.

~I received some great great compliments, from a parent at the club. Two, from one of my staff who told me I looked pretty today and three, from one of my dear, old friends about the type of mama I'll be someday.

~Take time today to compliment somebody!

~I have a ton of homework to do this weekend!

~I hope it rains this weekend! It was 80 today and too warm for Feb!

~I have to go to's almost 2am! I need to make it a point to go to sleep earlier each nite.
