Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Would you stand in Times Square?

Now I love New York............I always have.......since I was 9. I mean like LOVE IT. Loved the vibe, the feeling of walking down the street, of standing in front of (what use to be) the Plaza Hotel, eating a burger in a dive that later on was on Oprah as one of the best hamburger places in the country (according to Sarah Jessica Parker)...........I love it.......

And I would drop everything to go and visit.


I would not not not stand in the middle of Time Square and watch a ball drop with a MILLION other people.........literally a million people stand there.

This ball dropping thing began in celebrate two things happening---the subway system and the new york times opening. Check out this pic from the 1950's.....

The Ball has been lowered every year since 1907, with the exceptions of 1942 and 1943, when the ceremony was suspended due to the wartime "dimout" of lights in New York City. Nevertheless, the crowds still gathered in Times Square in those years and greeted the New Year with a minute of silence followed by the ringing of chimes from sound trucks parked at the base of the tower - a harkening-back to the earlier celebrations at Trinity Church, where crowds would gather to "ring out the old, ring in the new."

They say that over a billion people worldwide will watch that ball drop.........crazy huh????

On a seperate note but still int his story.............I visit a website every so often to see whats going on in Times Square---

There are 12 cameras on all the time and you can see what's going on at all are some pics from right now....i can't wait to peek at the mess it's going to look at tomorrow.....yikes....


Mrs.Oklahoma said...

looking at those crowded pictures, it makes my chest tight and its hard to breathe lol I'm so Mima!!

Teachinfourth said...

If I were there with my brother and a heartbeat!

By myself? Probably not.