Monday, December 15, 2008

So today.......

I was at Walmart, doing some more SHOPPING for my adopt a families and one of my staff/club kids, Kevin, called me and asked me to bring him some Orajel.....

Kevin is the kid, the 18 year old, that I get to mother every once in awhile.......he's the kid that I will take to register for college in five months and the kid that I will be cheering for to graduate.....I get to make the doctor appointments for him and help him fill out insurance papers and on this day, I got to buy him Orajel to help with his wisdom teeth.

So there I am, standing in the toothbrush/toothpaste asile when I hear, "Hey there shorty,"

And I look up.

And I smile.

And I it 1992 all over again? (that's my fall back year because that, my friends, was the year I graduated high school)......

it was also the last year I heard that line!

So in closing of this riviting story, I'm all for meeting a good guy, in a good place (does Walmart count as a good place?!?!) but come on............don't use a line like that. I would have been more receptive to a guy asking me a question about a toothpaste than calling me "shorty".....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~On a seperate note, for those of you keeping up on the "jack" story....I looked up today to see him walking into my office. And it made me smile.

He was coming by to say hello after taking a final (in which he did very well in, thank you!!!..(I am proud!)

He looked a bit different when he walked in but he was still himself, still chatty and talky and all that was good to see him and good to know that he wanted to come check in with the club.........and check in with me :)



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