Monday, July 21, 2008

Upcoming Stuff..........

~There are 5

days left of summer day camp.........I am not a fan of the SDC program because of the hours. There are kids/teens in the building from 7am-9pm. It's exhausting.

~I applied for this Leadership Academy that ASU's Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and NonProfit Innovation is beginning. It was a lengthy application and I didn't think I had gotten my paperwork in on time and sure enough last week, they emailed me to set up an interview. I interview people all of the time but I haven't been interviewed for anything since.........well since 2000 when I interviewed to become a Branch Executive and even then it was a given---no one else applied :) So my interview is Thursday. If selected, I'll be in a leadership academy with other non profit emerging leaders who meet once a month for 9 months. Yikes---nervous!

~Saturday at 12:15 am, we take off to Universal Studios---I'm crazy, I know......35 teenagers in California? 35 teens on a bus for 8 hours. I just think that i'll be fine if I have my ipod and sit in the front of the bus---loud people to the back.

~2 weeks and 2 days of gloriously filled vacation........meaning sleeping in, shopping, swimming, spending time with Lexi before she begins school....we'll do things like go to As You Wish and the mueseum and the movies and spend time with just me and her.

~Lexi begins school 3 weeks from tomorrow. I am terrified for her. She has such a sweet, generous nature. She doesn't know how to be mean or hateful. Kids are mean and hateful. I know, I work with them..........Okay wait. What I mean is that kids are mean---they call other kids fat and slow and dumb and ugly. They form cliques and they talk about you behind your bag and they hit! Kids HIT! It makes my heart hurt to know she's going to school and she's going to be exposed to all sorts of stuff she's never seen or heard before....

And if I am this scared for her.........imagine when I have kids that are my own? Lord help me.......or them :)

~And of course I begin school next month.........the first time I've ever attend full time (12 credit hours) and still worked the crazy amount of hours I do.......I just want to graduate!

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