Thursday, July 31, 2008


Or is it?

I received my letter today that said that I was not accepted into the emerging leaders ASU academy thing..........because I have TOO much experience and they wanted people at the beginning of their careers.

Okay, I'm good with that.........I wouldn't trade my experiences during the past 8 years and I shouldn't apologize or feel bad about them. I just feel like I am not always the best at being a friend or a sister (no comments from the peanut gallary!)............I'm not always the best daughter or girlfriend but I always give everything to the kids I serve. I know I am great at what I do...........

Oh well.............maybe I could teach a class for the "up and comers!"....... :)

1 comment:

Mrs.Oklahoma said...

That is a bummer, but a compliment in a way. I hope you come see the new house soon.. We will be there Fri/Sat/Sun etc... We are really close to you now...